
Ramblin Whiskey Blues...

The time has come...the date has been set!!! Do not miss Hair of the Beast's CD Release Party - May 26th @ Beachside Tavern, NSB!!! It also happens to be my little Beast - Claudio's birthday that night as well, so wish him a very happy birthday in between sets! 
I'm so happy to finally share this with you! I had the opportunity to design HOTB's debut CD, Ramblin Whiskey Blues, and shoot all of the photography for it as well! I hope you like it! CD's, T-shirts and stickers will be available at the CD Release Party! 

CD Design and Photography: Kendi Sullinger (Fourteen Eleven Designs)

You can check HOTB out HERE



Legs for days...

Photos: Kendi Sullinger (1411 Designs)

Have you worn your fishnets today?